General Terms and Conditions

when booking models at 1kid modelmanagement Ap
VAT number : 24292380
Adress: Ordrup Jagtvej 48A, 2920 Charlottenlund

The undermentioned terms apply to all bookings:

Hourly rate covers rights in Denmark for advertising, web, SoMe & catalog in max. 6 months from the first insertion. Further rights are negotiated separately.

Posters/Video/Advertising film/Outdoor/Indoor etc.,
is not included in the ordinary hourly rate.

Rights of the material & invoice information have to be informed to 1kid modelmanagement before the beginning of the job.

If the material is reused after 6 months, 100% of the invoice amount will be invoiced per following 1/2 year.
The prices apply within regular working hours on workdays between 8.00 am - 6.00 pm.  Bookings outside this period of time are negotiated separately. 
As we are working with children, the customer is obligated to respect all work environment legal rights, which applies to rules within the Health and Safety at Work Act for young people under 15 years old, cf. § 61, s. 2.

At least 24 hours notice, however at journeys at the latest 7 days before departure.

If the task takes place outside Copenhagen, transportation is covered by the customer.
If the job requires transport in a car or other transportation, this will be covered by the customer, either after the state's travel allowance or by train/bus also for the chaperone.

If a model does not live up to the customer’s expectations, the customer has to inform 1kid modelmanagement BEFORE the beginning of the job. If the job is commenced, the agreed fee will be invoiced.

1kid modelmanagement is not responsible for Force Majeure.
On jobs, it is the customer’s responsibility to write insurance that covers the children. Any damages on props, photo equipment, or staging that are used for the job is likewise covered by the customer.
1kid is not responsible for a model that does not wish to work.

Prices stated by 1kid modelmanagement includes booking fee but is excl. a handling charge of DKR 50, VAT are paid of fee + handling charged.
Terms of payment: Net 14 days cash

Thank you for choosing to book children at 1kid modelmanagement.